Consultants and Employees


Company foundation

East West Science was founded in Heidelberg in 2006 by Dr. Ekkehard Werner with the aim of making the ASEAN - market accessible to midsized technology companies from Germany and Europe, and, in turn, to pave the way for the entry of ASEAN midsized technology companies into the European market.

CEO - East Wset Science                

                   Dr. Ekkehard Werner

                   Managing Director, East West Science


Our consultants

At the beginning, when the company was founded, we were focusing on building up a network of experts, both in the ASEAN region and in the German - speaking countries. These experts come from the areas in which East West Science is now working. Some of our consultants are known far beyond their national borders. Professor Harald zur Hausen, MD, Dr. h.c. mult., for example,  has helped us in recent years, from time to time, with his advice in the field of life sciences and project initiation in Thailand.

Professor Harald zur Hausen was honoured with the 2008 Nobel Prize for medicine and was elected for the years 2011 to 2012 as Chairman of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), the central scientific and technological planning institution of the Thai government.


Our employees

Another point of crucial importance in the context of our company structure was to employ experienced experts in key positions within our company. This successful approach makes it possible today to advise clients in several sectors of the high-tech industry in a comprehensive way.

All of our staff has academic training, mostly combined with long - standing professional experience abroad. In addition to their scientific training, our employees generally have many years’ experience in the fields of company formation and corporate advisory services.